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Blood Drive Dates:

Custer Masonic Lodge 0900hs

February 8th, April 11th, June 13th, August 8th, October 10th, December 12th

Post 46 is happy to announce the awarding of its first scholarship. Aiden Suelflow of Custer has been selected to receive the Custer Post 46, $500.00 scholarship. Congratulations to Aiden

Post 46 is currently dgitizing its Historical and Past Post Records. If you have anything that is connected to Post 46 and believe that it is part of the Post 46 History, please contact Us.

The 3rd Annual Rifle Raffle was a resounding success. It just seems to get better each year. The 2024 Winner was an out of state Visitor, who stopped by the Post 46 table. He only purchased one ticket, as he knew it was for a worthy cause. 


Events & Programs


Post 46 has found it useful to group our activities into events and programs. Somewhat arbitrary, events are single occurrences in which the Post participates but may or may not sponsor while programs are ongoing endeavors which the Post does control. Taken together they are a good reflection of what we actually do and are described below for your information. Events and Programs, as well as the day to day activities of Post 46, are closely  guided by the Four Pillars of the American Legion.








Legion Birthday - The American Legion Birthday is observed annually in March by Custer Post #46. Always well received, the event is an open meeting consisting of supper followed by a Public Safety/Service and Membership awards presentations program.


Memorial Day - Custer Post #46 works closely with the Custer City Cemetery Sexton to maintain a veterans’ graves registry. Prior to Memorial Day, the Post decorates approximately 400 Custer veterans’ graves with bronze flag holders and American flags which it purchases. On Memorial Day the Post participates in ceremonies at Cold Springs Pioneer Cemetery, Pringle Cemetery, and Custer City Cemetery. Following Memorial Day, the Post removes the flags previously placed. Normally assisting with graves decoration are Custer Boy Scout Troop 25, Custer Cub Scout Pack 25, and local volunteers. Custer Post #46, has also extended its attention to the Keystone, SD cemetery. This outreach of the Memorial Day event, has helped the Town of Keystone in identifying and placing flags on some 60 Veteran Grave Sites in Keystone's Mountain View Cemetery.


Independence Day - Post activities for this unique American celebration have grown dramatically. The Post participates in Custer flag retirement and raising ceremonies, its Patriots Parade, and is a sponsor of the Patriots Picnic introduced in 2014. The Post also conducts one of it's fundraiser's on this day receiving donations for American flags.


Veterans Day - This Post #46 sponsored event is conducted by the Custer School District. Planned by the Custer High School senior class with guidance from Post #46, a 1-hour program honoring veterans is conducted in the old Custer Armory. All classes participate with each veteran individually recognized and presented a rose and thank you note for Their service. In recent years, Post #46 has supported and participated in the Veterans Day program, at the Elk Mountain School. This rural country school has a small enrollment, a total of 12 students in 2022. It may be small, but those Students go all out to show their apreciation to Vets.


Wreaths Across America - A program sponsored by Civil Air Patrol's Crazy Horse Squadron, Custer Post #46 participates in this annual wreath laying event the Custer City Cemetery In addition, Post 46 also participates in wreath laying events at the Hot Springs National Cemetery in Hot Springs, SD and the Cold Springs Pioneer Cemetery south of Pringle, SD. If you would like to sponsor a Wreath, to be placed on a Veterans Grave, please click on the below link. Wreaths can be purchased through out the year.

                                                             Wreaths Across America/ Custer City Cemetery


Christmas - This Custer Senior Center event is without charge for all who would like to have but would otherwise miss out on having a home-style country Christmas dinner. Starting in 2013 Post #46 coordinated Custer’s veterans organizations; American Legion, VFW, and Veterans Memorial Association, support of this dinner with donations of turkeys, canned cranberries, and potatoes.




  Custer American Legion Post 46 Scholarship

Amount of Scholarship - $500.00


 1. Custer County, South Dakota Resident

2. Parent, Grandparent, or Great Grandparent must be a Veteran or currently serving in a branch of the U.S. Military

 3. Be attending an accredited educational institution in South Dakota, or an out of State educational institution which grants South Dakota residents in state tuition status

4. Be attending a course of study that is in a Technical Trade

 (Program of study to be approved by the Custer American Legion Post 46, Executive Committee.)

5. Be a second-year student, if in an associate degree or higher degree program or second semester student if in a Diploma Program

6. Awarding of this scholarship is limited to a one time award per successful awardees.


Poppy Day - Post 46 has reinstitued it's annual Poppy Program. A Saturday is chosed in conjuction with the week of Veterans Day, to distribute Poppies. The monies derived from this Event, must be and is utilized to provide care and comfort for Veterans or Veterans Families who are in need. The current program uses the monies raised to provide gift cards, for holiday meals. 


Flag - A growing program, the Post participates in Custer City's annual Flag Retirement and Flag Raising ceremonies, has conducted flag education classes in Custer Junior High School, maintains its Veterans Memorial Flagpole in Way Park, donates flags to the Elk Mountain School, makes flags available on Independence Day for donations, and is exploring creation of a Flag Day event.


Legislative - A program in its infancy, the Post is beginning to take advantage of web-based information and e-mail communications to alert its members of veterans-interest legislation.


Taps - The Post is dedicated to honoring the memory of all area departed veterans. This is accomplished through several interlocking Post programs and participation in related separate projects. These include "Veterans Graves Registration" for Custer City, Cold Springs Pioneer, and Pringle Cemeteries, "Last Salute" honors to recently departed area veterans, and "Final Roll Call" honors and ceremonies to departed Post #46 Legionnaires. 


Youth - Conducting a strong Boys State program, supporting a strong Girls State program, working hard with the recently created Youth Trooper Academy, and supporting the American Legion Child Welfare Foundation; the Post is committed to developing Custer's youth into tomorrow's citizen leaders.

                                                                                             Boys State

                                                                                             Girls State

                                                                                   Youth Troop Academy

Child Welfare Foundation


The above describes the scope of our Post activities but barely scratch their depth. Plus, we are always exploring adding new activities effectively. The opportunities exist. Our Legionnaires make them reality!

Four Pillars.jpg


There are several Youth Programs which are administered or associated with Post #46.The following information will help guide those interested in participating, with who they can contact. 

Girls State: The local program is overseen by the Auxillary of Hermosa Legion Post 303. Young women who are interested participating in Girls State, should contact the Custer High School Counselor or Hermosa Post 303.



Boys State: The local program is overseen by Custer Post 46. Young men who are interested in participating have several options:

     1. Contact the Custer High School Counselor

     2. Contact the Custer Post Adjutant at

     3. Contact any Post 46 Legionnaire 


Youth Trooper Academy: The Youth Trooper Academy is a unique program and very comptetative, as are all of the programs. If you are a high school student who is interested in this opportunity, and meets the age requirements, you can contact:

     1. Any South Dakota State Trooper

     2. Custer High School Counselor

     3. Custer Post 46 Legionnaire Glen Talley 


Oratorical Contest: This highly competitive and rewarding program is open to all Junior High and High School Students. If interested, contact your School Counselor or Post 46 at

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